Vatikaanivaltion postimerkit ja kolikot julkaisuohjelma vuodelle 2018
01. Coin Card 2018
02. Euro coin set BU Version
03. Euro coin set Proof Version with the 20 Euro silver coin
“Pope Francis Year MMXVIII”
04. Euro coin set Proof Version with the 50 Euro gold coin
“Pope Francis - Year MMXVIII”
05. 2 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin “European Year of Cultural Heritage” (BU and Proof Version)
06. 2 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin “50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio” (BU and Proof Version)
07. Euro coin set BU Version with 5 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin “600th Anniversary of the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore” - Special Edition
08. 5 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin (Proof Version) “600th Anniversary of the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore”
09. 5 Euro silver Commemorative Coin “40th Anniversary of the death of Pope Paul VI”
10. 10 Euro silver Commemorative Coin “40th Anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul I”
11. 10 Euro gold Commemorative Coin «Baptism - MMXVIII”
12. 20 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “Acts of Apostles: Ascension”
13. 50 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “The Church of Jerusalem”
14. 100 Euro gold Commemorative Coin Apostolic Constitution of the 2nd Vatican Council: “Sacrosanctum Concilium”
15. 200 Euro gold Commemorative Coin «The Cardinal Virtues: Temperance»
01. Pontificate of Pope Francis MMXVIII
02. Easter of Resurrection
03. 40th Anniversary of the death of Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul I
04. 25th Anniversary of the death of Blessed Pino Puglisi
05. Europe 2018: “Bridges”
06. 1150th Anniversary of the Recognition of the Slavic Liturgical Language”
Joint Issue with Slovak Republic
07. 50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio
08. European Year of Cultural Heritage
09. 600th Anniversary of the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore
10. 25th Anniversary of the Foundation “Centesimus Annus pro Pontefice”
11. XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
12. Bicentenary of the birth of Father Angelo Secchi
13. Great Venetian Painters: Canaletto (1697-1768) and Tintoretto (1518-1594)
14. 300th Anniversary pf the birth of Maria Gaetana Agnesi
15. Holy Christmas
16. The Apostolic Journeys of Pope Francis - Year 2017
17. 150th Anniversary of the death of Gioacchino Rossini
18. 300th Anniversary of the Pontifical Academy of Theology
19. Popes and Saints: 1400th Anniversary of the death of St. Adeodatus I and 1600th Anniversary of the death of St. Zosimus.
20. 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
01. Postcards
02. Aerogramme
03. Philatelic Cover 2018
01. Philatelic Numismatic Cover 2018 “European Year of Cultural Heritage”
02. Philatelic Numismatic Cover 2018 “50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio”
03. Stamps & Coin card 2018
01. Philatelic Year book - “Vaticano 2018”
02. 4th Numismatic Album
03. 2th Numismatic Commemorative AlbumLähde: